Back to agenda Building with wood: The Industrialized Revolution Fri 25 Apr | 10:45 - 11:30 Premium VIP Pass This roundtable will address BIM technology and numerical control machines, key tools that are transforming timber construction. Experts will explain their workflows and the integration of these technologies in the different phases of the project: architecture, manufacturing and assembly. Case studies will be presented demonstrating the efficiency and precision of these innovations, highlighting their positive impact on modern construction, from initial conception to final execution. Speakers Sebastián Barajas General Manager Treehood Pablo Moreno del Rio BIM Manager , IT IA Woodea Carlos Llibre Beltri CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER 011h Ignasi Caus Angles CEO Tallfusta Moderators Irene Jimeno Guadalix Director and Founder Toca Madera·Sounds Wood