Back to agenda Construction with wood in Spain Fri 25 Apr | 11:30 - 12:15 Premium VIP Pass The round table on building with wood in Spain focuses on the technical presentation of wood construction projects. It will explain how to design construction projects, from the planning and creation of plans to their execution. In addition, details of the construction systems used and their calculation and assembly will be presented. Sustainability and the environmental impact of wood construction will be important aspects, highlighting the importance of using sustainable wood. Speakers Manuel Sánchez-Villanueva Beuter Founder HAZarquitectura José Sanz Gorordo Madrid Office Director Batlle i Roig Estibaliz González De La Serna CEO MEDGÓN Emma Sebastia Sarroca Responsable oficina técnica Sebastia, Indústries de la fusta Carlos López Belmonte Director de Oficina Técnica Lignum Tech Moderators Jorge Blasco Miguel Architect - Structural Consultant Estudi m103