Back to agenda Rehabilitation of wooden structures: success stories Fri 25 Apr | 12:15 - 13:15 Premium VIP Pass Most of the historic centers in Spain and Europe are built with wood due to the lack of steel and concrete before the 20th century. Soon, it will be necessary to rehabilitate these century-old buildings. Each building has specific architectural features (structural, aesthetic and functional) that reflect its original purpose and are essential to its identity. However, over time, these characteristics are modified due to various factors since their construction. The intervention in a building seeks to conserve the property, rehabilitating it to recover and improve its functionality. Speakers Sergio Pastor Jiménez Architectural Project Manager RCCYP Julián Dominguez Huerta CIP Arquitectos Igor García Woodeing Enrique Nuere Taujel Carpintería Histórica Moderators Irene Jimeno Guadalix Director and Founder Toca Madera·Sounds Wood